Thursday, June 27, 2013


There are fluke on the outside spots but they are not moving into the bay yet. The lack of bait on the inshore grounds seems to be the problem all along the coast. We need the squid to show up and the big fluke will follow. I tried some of the best deep water spots and fished them hard to make sure we did not miss anything but the fish are not there. A move to shallow water produced a 5lb. for Evelyn along with some other keepers, shorts, blues and striped bass.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Super Moon Weekend

We tried a different area due to the strong current this weekend and had very nice fishing. Shallow water and lite sinkers made for pleasant fishing in perfect weather. The shorts bit pretty good and we had enough keepers for a few dinners. It was a nice weekend to be out on the water.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


The weather is finally getting nice and it is time to find the herds of fluke. I put some extra fuel in the boat and if anyone is interested in going Friday, give me a call.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Grinding it Out

No way to sugar coat it, fishing is slow. The regulars fishing hard with jigs and gulp have been rewarded with some nice fish. Ken the Legend has set the mark with his 10lber. Evelyn had a 8lb 2oz, St. Pete 7lb 8oz, Roger 7lb, Capt Fred 6lb 11oz, Joe N 6lb. 3oz, Bob Baines 6lb 1oz. A few nice sized weakfish showed the past few days but we spend a lot of time drifting and dreaming(of better days ahead). This fishing is not for bait draggers, beer drinkers, or sun seekers.

Friday, June 14, 2013


The weather is messing up the fishing. We don't usually miss many days in June but the past week has been terrible. The only day we fished this week was Wednesday and the wind gusted to thirty knots! Some nice fluke were caught in the rough waters, along with our first weakfish of the spring and the striped bass bite was insane. It was a fish every cast for over an hour but they were all 22 to 27 inches. It looks like a nice weekend and we will try to find some more big fluke.