Thursday, February 4, 2021


 A powerful winter storm walloped the state this week. Down at the shore, we did not see much in the way of snow, two inches maybe and not enough to shovel. The beaches were the problem as the ocean cut into the dunes and the erosion was tremendous. The weather buoy on the Barnegat Ridge, the fishing grounds 15 miles offshore showed seas reaching 21 feet. That's the type of energy that moves wrecks and changes bottom structure. At least a couple boats will still try to fish when things settle down for those looking for a day out.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Winter Fishing

 The snowstorm before Christmas caused a rapid drop to water temperatures and ended any inshore fishing. Even the pre holiday bite on the offshore wrecks dried up. Blackfishing has become a joke among the die hard anglers as it has become an all day event to land a keeper. Even if something was done to save this once great fishery, it would be too little too late. The striped bass fishery slowed down to the point where no one is even trying. A sure sign that surf fishing is finished are the seals showing up in local waters. They eat everything, bass, flounders, blackfish, bunkers, anything they can catch. The only thing I never saw one eat was a dogfish. If you can find a boat willing to sail on a nice day, you may catch enough for dinner.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year

 After all the boats have sailed, and all the fish caught, only memories remain. Happy New Year