Tuesday, September 27, 2016


It's that's time of year again. East winds and cancelled trips. Looks like a rough week coming up but it should calm down by the weekend. Lots of porgies around but not many porgy fisherman. NY blackfish opens October 5.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Porgy Time

We headed out Sunday morning not knowing how the weather was going to be after the reports of a rough ocean on Saturday. Another skipper reported some keeper porgies close to home so we set up on an inshore spot but only caught small fish. A move to another wreck produced insane fishing, with porgies and seabass following hooked fish right to the surface. You only needed to let your bait down out of sight to get a bite. Plenty of keeper porgies along with sea bass, blackfish, fluke, blowfish, bluefish, jack crevale and an amberjack. We were throwing back keepers by 10:30 AM and I filleted for an hour at the dock and had a bucket of meat. Lots of fun on a nice fall day.

Friday, September 16, 2016

End of Summer

We did not sail today due to lack of interest. Seems to be all my friends think the fluke are gone. While fishing is slow and we have not been landing many keepers, the only fluke that I am sure that are gone are the two 11lbers. landed on the Skylarker this week. Back at it Sunday.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Here and There and All About

Last Saturday was our worst day of fluke fishing this season...until today.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Fluke and Hermine

We fished in the wind on Friday and Saturday and did not catch enough fish to feed a sick cat. The boat was tied up the rest of the weekend and the weather on land was beautiful. It is forecast to be hot the next few days and early reports say the fish are still around. Ready to get back at it, more to follow. I am not giving up on fluke season.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

This is It

The forecast shows some easterly weather and the fluke usually respond by not biting and beginning their off shore migration. They should bite heavily as the low approaches but the last three weeks of the season will be interesting.