Monday, February 16, 2015

President's Day

Man, it's cold. Most of the state has single digit readings, with the Skylands region showing below zero temperatures. There is a moderate amount of ice in the harbor, less then you would think, but I would expect it to get heavy as snow and continued cold weather is forecast. Some cool birds have been around. There are Bald Eagles in the Meadowlands, and many hawks down the park and along the waterfront. We had a short eared owl flying low along the fields looking for a meal as well as a male Northen Harrier, a "grey ghost", very cool to see. The fishing has been good in the freezer and on television. Nothing like fluke salad and crackers while watching "Wicked Tuna" re-runs. Well, it won't be long now as I heard four of the most beautiful words ever spoken this week, "Pitchers and Catchers Report."

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